Kundalini Yoga Therapy at the Guru Ram Das Center for Healing and Humanology
Soul Answer Healing with Charandayal
Sat Nam Rasayan and Integrative Healing with Seva Simran
Akal Teja Singh/Rocky Blumhagen (online class videos)
Japa Kaur: Winter Solstice event - One Light Fest
Katie Sinnott Yoga (Bani Krishan)
Kundalini Yoga San Francisco (Siri Vedya Singh, Santokh Kaur)
Lunar Flow Yoga (Richa Badami)
Mahan Kirn (How to make your brain work better)
MPowerWellness (Yvonne Wang)
Yvonne Wang: Winter Solstice 12/21/24
Seva Simran: Monday 6:30 pm class
The Dharma Dojo (Mahanpal/Marissa)
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